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Adjuster Authorization Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Adjuster Authorization Program

Generally, self-insured employers and insurance carriers that have or are underwriting workers’ compensation policies in Arizona are required to process and pay workers’ compensation claims in an Arizona claims office.

In addition to the requirements noted above, any Claims handling professional is welcome to join the training and earn Arizona Adjuster Authorization.

Requirements to Maintain an Out of State Claims Office

See Arizona Administrative Code (“A.A.C.”) R20-5-130(A). Under R20-5-130(B), however, carriers and self-insured employers may request authorization from the Industrial Commission of Arizona (“ICA”) to maintain an out-of-state claims office. Authorization is conditioned upon satisfactory evidence of the following:

  1. Existence of a toll-free telephone line to the out-of-state claims office;
  2. Completion of ICA Claims Division training by individuals responsible for claims processing at the out-of-state office;
  3. Designation of a financial institution located in Arizona that will cash on-demand checks issued by the out-of-state claims office.

Adjusters who handle claims in an out-of-state office must obtain authorization from the ICA by participating in or attending designated training programs offered by the ICA and successfully passing a post-test. Training may be completed by attending the ICA’s annual Claims Seminar or by participating in an internet-based training program. Authorization must be renewed every two years.

Self-Insurer Adjuster Authorization Requirements

See Arizona Administrative Code ("A.A.C") R20-5-1510, Processing of Workers' Compensation Claims; Authorization to Self-Administer. The Claims Division shall authorize a self-insurer to self-administer if the self-insurer provides documentation and information establishing:

  1. The self-insurer has facilities and equipment sufficient to manage, process, and store its own information pertaining to the self-insurer's workers' compensation claims;
  2. The self-insurer's workers' compensation claims are processed by persons with experience, training, and knowledge regarding the processing of Arizona workers' compensation claims and the requirements of the Act and applicable administrative rules; and
  3. The persons processing the self-insurer's claims have completed the Claims Division's workers' compensation training program within the prior two years.

Adjusters who handle claims for an Authorized Self-Insured Employer must obtain authorization from the ICA by participating in or attending designated training programs offered by the ICA and successfully passing a post-test. Training may be completed by attending the ICA’s annual Claims Seminar or by participating in an internet-based training program. Authorization must be renewed every two years.

Step 1: Download Current Claims Seminar Manual Reference Materials:

Participants are to download a free digital copy of the current Claims Seminar Manualalong with links to the Lawsand Rules. Participants are expected to become familiar with the content of this publication independently.

If you wish to purchase a hard copy of the materials, the cost for the reference materials is $50.00 and shipping & handling is a flat fee of $13.65, for a total of $63.65. To purchase, please go to the ICA Payment Portal. Purchases are processed bi-monthly.

ICA updates the materials every August at the annual ICA Claims Seminar.

Step 2: View Training Webinars:

Watch the ICA provided webinars on Arizona workers’ compensation topics. Please visit the ICA YouTube Channel for the full playlist. Participants are expected to view the content of the videos independently. Time to complete is approximately 4 hours.

Step 3: Sign into the ICA Community portal:

Register for the ICA Community portal, completing the adjuster profile. The Community will allow you to request access to view the full Claims file and monitor litigation. Link & full instructions can be found here. Please allow up to 5 days for access.

Step 4: Participate in a Live Webinar Q&A or the Annual ICA Claims Seminar:

Upon completion of the training content and registration, the adjuster is required to attend a live webinar Q&A with a representative of the ICA Claims Division. The Q&A sessions provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions in advance of the post-test. The ICA will verify participants who signed up for the Live QA attended the entire program. The Claims Division will be offering live Q&A webinar sessions monthly, except for the months of July through September. The ICA encourages attendance at the ICA Annual Claims Seminar in August. Enroll in class through your Community Portal account

Step 5: Successfully Complete a Post-Test: found in your ICA Community Portal :

To receive Arizona Adjuster Authorization, a participant must successfully pass a post-test demonstrating adequate knowledge of Arizona’s workers’ compensation claims handling processes. The post-test contains randomized questions based on content included in the Claims Seminar Manual, training webinars, and applicable rules and laws. Participants who do not achieve a passing score of at least 80% will have the option of attending another live Q&A webinar session and re-taking the test. The test may be taken using open resources and estimated to take one hour.

Step 6: Issuance of the Arizona Authorization:

Upon successful completion of the internet-based training program and post-test, participants will receive a written authorization from the ICA to manage Arizona claims out of state or for a self-insured employer. The authorization will be good for two years before it must be renewed.

Please contact the ICA’s Assistant Claims Manager at (602)-542-6691 for further information.