Superstition Mountains
Administrative Law Judge(ALJ) Video Guide Page

Video Guide to Workers' Compensation

The video described below contains information for unrepresented injured workers whose claims are scheduled for hearing. Click on a media icon for any chapter you wish to view. Please note that Quicktime files are large and load slowly. Please have patience if you choose them.

  Video Title Length
ALJ General Information - Main 1. General Information -

Overview of Commission’s role; Accessing helpful information; How to find and obtain an attorney.

ALJ Processing Claims - Main 2. Processing Claims -

Distinguishing between the Industrial Commission and your employer’s insurance company; Processing claims; How to file a Request for Hearing.

ALJ Requesting A Hearing - Main 3. Requesting a Hearing -

Deadlines for requesting a hearing; Parties to a claim; Duty to notify others of your address changes.

ALJ - Before The Hearing - Main 4. Before the Hearing -

Hearing calendar; Collecting mail; Judge assignment; Hearing locations; Notice of Hearing; Obtaining copy of the rules and statutes; Ombudsman’s role.

ALJ - Gathering Evidence - Main 5. Gathering Evidence -

Gathering medical records to prove your claim; Obtaining records from files kept by insurance company, Judge, and the Commission.

ALJ - Discovery - Main 6. Discovery -

Information exchange with other parties; Deposition; Interrogatories; Independent medical examinations; Settlement opportunity; Pre-hearing conferences with Judge.

ALJ - Preparing Your Case - Main 7. Preparing your Case -

Burden of Proof; Requesting subpoenas for your witnesses; Filing your evidence; IMPORTANT DEADLINES.

ALJ - Hearing Day - Main 8. Hearing Day -

Time, date and place; People attending; Presenting evidence; Testimony of witnesses; Direct and cross-examination; Recorded transcript; Further hearings.

ALJ - After The Hearing - Main 9. After the Hearing -

Judge’s decision; Requesting review; Responding to Defendants’ Request for Review; Following up favorable decision; Decision Upon Review; Special Action to Court of Appeals.
